Sunday, September 21, 2008

Music: My Childhood Memory - Boney M, Shirley Bassey, and Led Zeppelin Album Cover

During my childhood - in my early primary school - there are two singers that I remember most, Shirley Bassey with her 'Never Never Never' song (listen here) and Boney M with their 'Brown Girl In The Ring' song (listen here), very popular during 70s era. Sure, it is not because I was fans of them but it was my big brother and sisters were their fans and bought their album so I am too listened to those songs.

I didn't remember their album cover though, well probably they were not impress enough to be remembered. But, there is one music album cover which still fresh in my memory till now. Initially I don't know which singer/band it was, but later I found out that it is Led Zeppelin album cover. Well, it only consists picture, not words at all... but don't know why it can be easily kept in my memory... probably pity on that old man carrying the woods.

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