Tuesday, November 11, 2008

FYI: 3G on the MRT - In Operation Now

For the past week, I had great experience surfing the net using my Samsung Omnia with my unlimited StarHub MaxMobile (which comes with my MaxOnline Plus subscription) along the NEL MRT track.

Yes! 3G on NEL MRT track (at least from Dhoby Ghaut to Sengkang - my daily journey) is on full operation already! So, riding on the packed MRT during peak hours won't feel that long anymore since I fully concentrated on my surfing... ha ha ha.

And, the other great thing is Skype can be used seamlessly in Omnia to make Skype-to-Skype free phone calls - have tested that last night. So, this means: unlimited-internet-mobile-subscription + Skype = (virtually) free internet phone calls anywhere!

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