Saturday, May 28, 2016

Digital World: Drone Anyone?

Drone technology, especially for consumer side, has getting more matured since it started captured interest of many people roughly two years ago.

Talking about drone, DJI Phantom easily recalled from people's mind due to its reliability and quality of product, they are considered market leader nowadays. Serious air photography and video most likely choose DJI Phantom as their preferred equipment. They are be able to maintain considered premium price for drone until now since not much competitor in this particular market. Sure quite many China's unknown drone brand play in cheap price drone market but they are considered 'toys' instead of for serious usage of drone.

The immediate competitor just enter the market, who else... it's from Xiaomi who is well-known for their affordable but great smartphone products. It called Mi Drone, with its 4K capability, it priced half price of comparable DJI Phantom. It still need to see how the market will react to this, quite interesting to follow.

I did have some interest on this drone, but not at that serious level to get something like DJI Phantom or Mi Drone. Their build is quite big and not something that you will bring during travel unless you are really want to take some serious documentation of your travel. For me, I need drone that can easily bring for travelling but capable enough to do good documentation, and affordable!

Well, there surely some alternatives. One of them, that lately in news due to its getting quite big additional funding for development, is drone namely Hover Camera that being developed by Zero Zero Robotics. The company claims users can “grab, throw, and catch” the drone without damaging it. It hovers when released from grip, and by a connection to an app the drone will follow you around as you walk or move indoors and out. Simple in its function but not its creation, the Hover takes 4K video, panorama, and 13-megapixel still images. Its safety, portability, and new kind of form factor make it unique. It will be made of fibre carbon frame and measures about 7 inches square and 1 inch thick, weighing about 8 ounces (227 grams). When not in use, the drone folds to roughly the size of a VHS video cassette.

Honestly, I myself very interested to this drone since it covers what I need, the only issue is the price which said it might cost around $600 which is not cheap. Well, let's see when it officially enter the market. Watch the video below, I believe you will interested as well... 

Hover Camera - Introducing the self-flying camera anyone can use 

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