I am one of the Pokemon Go's gamers, or trainer in Pokemon's term. Last time, I was very seldom playing games, now play Pokemon Go every day. It is quite fun, whether it is to collect many kind of Pokemons, or train the Pokemons at PokeGym. I also realized that Pokemon not only Pikachu, so many other kind of Pokemons actually... he he.
Since Pikachu is very identical as Pokemon, it is the most searched and wanted when playing this game. It is very rare appear at every places, only some places that has its appearance quite often, but not as often as some others.
This Pokemon Go game is still happening and hot now, you can still see so many people with this game on their smartphone's screen when you go places. I will share some experiences playing this game in some next articles in this blog, so stay tune! :-)
By the way, these are my current favourite Pokemons:
Sure, firstly is Pikachu! :-)
Cute Eevee, it has three names: Rainer (evolves into Vaporeon), Sparky (evolves into Jolteon), and Pyro (evolves into Flareon)
Funny Meowth... especially its angry expression and sound when you try to catch it!